Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Date Night: Tango

One of the most important things for many couples is maintaining a healthy romantic life away from the kids. A relatively inexpensive way to have a night out and break the mold of the traditional dinner date is an evening of dancing. There also comes a time in the lives of many when randomly shaking your groove thing to the latest pop sensation just doesn't cut it anymore.

Why not give Tango a try? Basic Tango is simple enough that with a small amount of practice even the least coordinated can manage. There are lessons available for as low as $20 per person. So, even tight budgets can fit in enough instruction to take their new skills out on the town.

Tango can be a great way to get a workout without going to the gym and it's also a great way to meet new people and make friends you might never have otherwise met.

Most cities will have at least a couple of places that offer lessons. A simple Google search should turn up some schools and dance venues where you can learn and apply your new skills. Try these in San Francisco.

Tango Vida on Pacific is great. Low key and not too serious, easy to find in Nob Hill.

BA Tango is also a fantastic resource.

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